It takes an entire community’s support to protect the children in our area. We engage with businesses and organizations to partner against child abuse. Through donations of financial support, volunteer hours, and in-kind goods or services, your group can be a champion for the thousands of young victims we help each year.
Here are ways we can all work together:
Learn about Child Abuse in Lowndes and Surrounding Counties
- Host a Lunch & Learn for your employees on protecting their children.
- Take a tour of the CAC.
- Spread awareness of Child Abuse Prevention Month (April) by sponsoring a Wear Your Blue Day on April 14 and contact the CAC about placing pinwheels at your business during the month of April.
- We are happy to speak to your group about child abuse prevention or the Advocacy Center’s involvement in the community. Please contact usto make arrangements.
Volunteer & Support the Children’s Advocacy Center’s Programs
- Volunteer to provide your expertise at the center.
- Participate in the Back-to-School drive every July.
- Organize a drive for the Children’s Advocacy Center’s wish list.
- Organize a workday at our facility (i.e., sanitizing play therapy rooms, landscaping projects, etc.).
- Sponsor one of our signature events
- Fund a line item in our budget
- List the CAC in your estate as a planned gift through
- Donate items for event auctions
- Give new clothing or toiletries to the CAC’s Advocacy Closet
- Your financial gift can make a profound difference in changing a child’s life. Join us in the fight against child abuse by committing to give an annual gift.
To learn more about engagement opportunities or to discuss an idea for collaboration, please contact Ashley Lindsay @